Saturday, August 30, 2014

Living With Family

Now I'm starting from the end of my previous post. I moved to Kansas City,  Missouri at April 1st, 2011 on my first road trip, it was the only way that I can move with most of my stuff excluding my furniture.  My cousin,  Ketsana flown to Los Angeles,  I took her to Chinatown, and to visit my uncle and his daughter,  it was a little going away thing there with the little family who actually likes me and has tolerated me.
My family in Los Angeles for the most part were ok with me.  The only ones who really made it difficult for me to belong was my 2 cousins who I first lived with,  Wendy and Sam. I moved in with my Aunt Manivanh, she's Christian and really nice but her kids didn't really make me feel at home so after 4-5 months I moved to live with my Uncle Soukanh. He was the one I saw before I left LA. Him and his daughter, Tracy, the only cousin I was really close to.
I decided to leave for so many different reasons. 
1. Always financially struggling with 2-4 part time jobs. 
2. Always supporting myself and one other person (typically my ex husband and ex boyfriend)
3. The BS that I have to deal with in the adult industry
4. Always trying to find another better job outside the adult industry so I don't need to do that stuff anymore.  But it's just so hard,  all I can get is lame jobs that pay minimum wage...
5. After getting arrested for the 3rd time,  that was the last straw for me. 
6. I didn't wanna be the mean person by kicking out my boyfriend so I eliminated myself from the equation. 
7. I recently visited Kansas City 5-6 months prior of me moving there.  I realized my nephews and nieces don't really know me, strangers, the only one who remembers me is the oldest because the last visit prior to that one was 3-4 years before that. So another reason for me moving the was to create that relationship with my nephews and nieces,  and reconnecting with my cousins and my Aunt and uncle. 

Road Trip
I loved the actual road trip,  I rented an intermediate size car,  I tried to put in as much stuff as i could possibly can.  Ketsana couldn't believe I had so many stuff.  I didn't think I had so much stuff , just a enough for a Californian chick. Hehe... I drove for like 2-4 hours,  Ketsana drove for 18-20 hours,  I guess she wanted to be in control even tho she complains that she's the only one who is driving,  I kept on insisting I can drive every 3-4 hours.  That was the only conflict we had.  We talked about the future,  how we can help each other and all that. I was just on awe that we're going through all these states.  I really wanted to stop by the grand canyon, but it was just too out off the way but whatever.  We basically stopped at a gas station in every state that we passed, and I bought myself a couple of postcards of each state and I was taking pictures on the way,  and of the sunset of the straight horizon of the Great Plains as we start to arrive in the mid West.

The Obvious Future / The Setting
Now when I was homeless,  my cousin, Ketsana keep urging me too move in with her.  I said no,  let me try to make it on my own first,  because I knew in my heart,  it was inevitable, she personally wanted me to become her built in nanny for her kids.  When I finally gave in,  I knew well enough what I was getting myself into.  The reality sink in after the first couple days in the family house. The house has 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen, one dining room, a living room,  and a basement.  There lived 5 adults and 5 children.  I became the 6th adult.  My aunt and uncle is in one bedroom,  Ketsana and her 3 kids in the other bedroom,  Tina,  (my younger cousin) and her husband and her 2 kids in the basement.  They were in the process of constructing a downstairs bathroom so we all won't be using the same bathroom. It never was finished while I was there.  The new living arrangement now that I was too be living there,  was that I sleep with Ketsana and 1-2 of her kids. Her youngest,  Jazlyn changes back and forth from sleeping with her mom and her grandparents.  Her middle child,  Islind usually sleeps with us. Her oldest child, Damion sleeps on the floor next to the grandparents' bed, on a thin twin size mattress pad. 

We bought a lot of bins so we can store my clothes and bought myself a cheap computer desk so I can  set up my computer on it. My computer became the house computer,  all the kids wanted to to be on my computer. Oh and from the first day I stayed,  I started to teach the kids different  stuff. I taught Damion origami and how to draw. I taught Islind his ABCs and a little bit of how to read and write the abc's.   I taught Jazlyn, and the other 2 babies, Alyza & Jojo their numbers and the alphabet.  On the computer, I showed fun computer games for all the kids so they can learn their numbers and the alphabet.  I started to really care and grew affectionate for all of them.  Tina and her husband kept on being on their phones and being in the living room all day long.  At the time,  Tina was working full time,  and her husband was a stay at home dad,  he cooked whenever he felt like it. Ketsana taught me how to cook laotian food.  All the foods that I need to learn how to cook.  I don't know how to spell them all out in english, but I actually enjoyed myself learning how to cook.  I could tell that I was getting on her nerves though because I was too slow. They all said that I don't wanna help out with the cooking or cleaning unless I was being asked.  Well in the beginning I was cleaning up all the stuff around the house every single day,  while the kids just played around and the other adults just slept ask day or be on their cell phones. After awhile of me being the only one cleaning,  I stopped initiating the clean up ... I was fed up. People was complaining that I was on my computer to much,  will what else was I supposed to do? Tina's husband,  Davanh was on his cell phone or laptop in the living room while "so-called" looking after all the kids if they are in the living room while watching tv.   I looked after the kids if they were in the bedroom with me.  Believe me,  they went back and forth all day! There were 3 babies,  at the time, Jazlyn was 3, Alyza was 2, Jojo was a little more than a year old? I don't remember the exact ages but the was always a baby crying.  All three of them was in diapers,  the girls kept on playing and fighting and their moms actually encouraged their fighting reach other which I think is totally wrong but what do I know? Nobody jumps at their crying,  but they just let the babies cry,  they say it is tough love,  and that they shouldn't cater to every babies needs.  They would only step in if the baby would not so crying after a certain time frame like a half hour or an hour or so. Most of the time,  the baby will eventually stop crying and start playing again. 

Uncle Xeng & me with the 5 kids 
Aunty Lee & the 5 kids 

Damion & Islind 

Alyza & Damion & Jazlyn